Back, After the Break By Osher Gunsberg


Back, After the Break

By Osher Gunsberg

I had only ever briefly watched Andrew G on Australian Idol years ago, I thought a great looking guy, loads of energy, got the best television gig around, what a lucky bloke. Then years later on The Bachelor, again what a lucky guy scoring a role like that. 

However as things might seem to appear to us sitting on our couch at home watching TV, this man is not so lucky after all.

I decided to read his story as the picture of him on the cover alluded me and stood out on the library shelf, and I must say this book was awesome. I thoroughly enjoyed reading every bit of Osher's story.

Back, after the break is a powerful, dark story of Osher's life with love, heartache and him living with mental illness. I must say not knowing anything about mental illness, it showed me how complicated, sad and harrowing a life could be having to endure a horrible illness such as this.

I highly recommend reading his story, it was very enjoyable, how a young man can climb the ladder and reach incredible jobs on television all the while trying to maintain his sanity and live a happy life. I say well done Osher, I hope you are still ok, happy, in love and leading a life filled with laughter.

Rating 8/10
