The Fifth Letter By Nicola Moriarty

The Fifth Letter
By Nicola Moriarty

I loved this book, before I even start, go out and buy or borrow this book. It was great and I actually read it in a week, that’s very quick for a busy mum like me.
            A story of four women who have been best friends since high school. Now in their mid 30’s, they have kids and husbands and never have the time to catch up like old days where life was free and easy.
            They decide to go away on a girl’s weekend to regroup and reconnect.  There they write four letters about a secret they have never told one another, but one of the girls writes a fifth letter. In the letter which was accidentally found were secrets that are murderous and obsessive thoughts that one of the best friends has been feeling for a long time towards one of the other women.
            Can these girls work it out and work out who wrote this shocking fifth letter? I loved it, a great writer who captivated me from the start. Easy reading, cannot put it down, need to know what happens. Awesome book. Thank you Nicola Moriarty
