Last of the Giants The True Story of Guns N' Roses By Mick Wall

Last of the Giants
The True Story of Guns N Roses

By Mick Wall

Firstly I was a huge fan in my teenage years and absolutely loved this band. So I had an interest in reading this book. If you’re not a fan then you might find this book boring and teeter off a little throughout.
It was a good book but I did get a bit bored. It was interesting when they were younger, the drugs, the women and the gutter lifestyle the band led and then rose to stardom. That part of the story was very impressive. It was also fascinating to read about their lives and the different directions they took, their different personalities and just how they survived being together in a band that were the biggest rock group in the world and not getting along. The drugs, the impatience and the unreliability pushing them over the edge, for years this is how they worked together.
Axl Rose obviously had or still has issues but at the same time the author wrote in ways where I could understand where Axl was coming from and why he did the things that he did. From time to time the author indicated how obnoxious and rude he actually was but at the same time exploring a part of why he was who he was and you either go along with him or in his words you “Fuck off”.
 All in all a good book but only if you’re interested in how Gunners formed as band and the life they led when they wrote and performed two of the biggest albums in the world.
Rating 5/10 
