Becoming By Michelle Obama

By Michelle Obama
                My favourite book for the year so far. A fantastic read. I waited so long for this book to come to the library and finally it was my turn to read it. This woman by far has to be the most extraordinarily hardworking, honest, funny and real woman I have ever read about. She is nothing but courageous and her book and life story was free flowing and very easy to read.
                I loved reading about her childhood and the hard work she put into getting her education. The hard work she put into herself to be the best version of herself she could be. Isn’t that what we all try to do, be the best version of ourselves?
                This book without doubt has to be one of the best autobiographies I have read in a long time. Thank you Michelle for letting the world into your life through this book, all the hard work you put into young women and children when you were the First Lady and all the people you helped before during your career.
                 It was awesome reading all that you achieved. You never wasted a moment in the White House, you put everything you could into the position of power you held to make small changes, which will one day become huge changes and all the while looking after your own children and putting your family first which is what we all like to achieve and you certainly did that. Bravo to you, you’re an inspiration and a role model for so many. America was lucky to have you and your husband to look upon.  Rating 10/10
